Thursday, May 5, 2016

Malcolm X (Abdul Malik Shabazz) on Da'wah Propagation in America

Malcolm X
(Abdul Malik Shabazz) on Da'wah Propagation in America

              Al Hajj Abdul Malik Shabazz better known as Malcolm X wrote a letter to Dr. Sa'id Ramadhan in 1964 and Dr. Sa'id Ramadhan used to be the courier over the large Masjid in Egypt and he said in a letter written to him (Dr. Ramadhan): "As a Black American, I do feel that my first responsibility is to my 22 million Black Americans who suffer the same indignities because of their color as I do. I don't believe my own personal problem is ever solved until the problem is solved for all 22 million of us. Much to my dismay, until now the Muslim world has seemed to ignore the problem of the Black American, and most. Muslims who come here from the Muslim world have concentrated more efforts in trying to convert White Americans than Black Americans.

There are two groups of Muslims in America: (1) those who were born in the Muslim world and migrated here, and were already Muslims when they arrived here. If these total over 200,000 (that was back in 1964) they have not succeeded in converting 1,000 Americans to Islaam (we know the number is a little higher now; (2) American born persons who have converted to Islaam are 98 percent Black Americans. Up to now it has been only the Black American who has shown interest even in Sunni Islaam. (Editor’s note: That was the number of converts in 1964, we know the number of Caucasian converts is a little higher now.)

If a student of agriculture has sense enough to concentrate his farming efforts on the most fertile area of his farm, I should think the Muslim World would realize that the most fertile areas for Islaam in the west is the Black American. This in no way implies discrimination or racism but rather shows that we are intelligent enough to plant the Good Seed of Islaam where it will grow best... later on we can doctor up or fertilize the less fertile areas, but only after our Crop is already well planted in the heart and mind of these Black Americans who already show great signs of receptiveness.” And then he, Malcolm says "Was it not Bilal, the Black Ethiopian, who was the first to receive the seed of Al Islaam from the Prophet Himself in Arabia, 1400 years ago?”  (Editor’s Note: We know that Bilal (He was of the Noble) was not the first to receive the message from the Prophet it was his wife Khadijah (She was of the Noble) who he first informed of his mission, but Bilal was of the very first converts.)

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