Thursday, May 5, 2016

Master Wallace Fard Muhammad (W. F. Muhammad) raa

Abdul Wali Farrad Muhammad Ali (HWON)
(Master Wallace Fard Muhammad)

Master Wallace Fard Muhammad the great satirist was believed to have been born in Saudi Arabia, from a Black Arabian father and a Caucasian mother. It is also believed by some that his father was Syrian, and his mother from Russia. We will look at other possible origins of Fard later in this thesis. Dr. Fard was primarily a righteous Muslim dedicated to teaching the Lost and Found Nation their true identity and language; Muslim, Al Islaam, and Arabic. Dr. Farad's (Fard’s) migration to America brought him to the east coast to the cities of Newark, New Jersey and Detroit, Michigan. This was an area densely populated with African Americans even then. Sharif Abdul Ali, Noble Drew Ali (HWON) had recently established his temple in Newark, where he was teaching a growing following about Al Islaam, as he understood it.

Master W. Fard Muhammad according to the Honorable Elijah Muhammed prepared himself diligently for his mission in finding his lost people. He became a world traveler in his search, which included climbing mountains and measuring every square inch of the Planet wherever he went. He also studied in the jungles of Africa learning about the animal life and the nature and language of all living creatures.

Upon his arrival in America W. F. Muhammad immediately began to teach Al-Islaam and Arabic to the Lost and Found Nation in America. Because of his profound Knowledge of Al-Islaam, and Arabic the original language of the Bilalian (African American), he began to attract followers from Drew Ali's Moorish Temple. Al Islaam as taught by the Muslim from the East was profound, spiritually uplifting and inspiring.

When Master Wallace Fard Muhammad first appeared in America around 1930, he announced his presence to the United States government in the time of President Hoover’s presidency; and we are further taught that he had an audience with Mr. Hoover. It was this president, Herbert Hoover, who attended the inauguration of the Washington Memorial built in Arlington, Virginia, to honor America’s first president, George Washington, who was not only an initiate of the Masonic Order, but was a Grand Master over one of the lodges in Virginia.

He (W. D. Forty) effectively broke the circle of knowledge of the ‘Wise & prudent’ when he appeared to the despised and rejected in the slums of Detroit in 1930 and then left as mysteriously as he came in 1934. 19 x 30= 570, the Birth date of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He revealed himself on a Friday the day of Congregational Prayer (Salat ul Jumah) for the Muslims and (the 6th day of the week), just as Satan’s world is numbered on the 6. He was born in the East (Habakkuk 3:3) and came unobserved like a thief in the night (Peter 3:10).

Abdul Wali Farrad Muhammad Ali attained a large following at the expense of Sharif Abdul Ali's (Drew Ali's) movement. He taught his followers about their Muslim ancestors and that they are the Original rulers of the earth (Khalifat). This reeducation process took on many forms. Firstly, he taught his followers the meaning of his name: Abdul (Servant), Al Wali (One of the ninety-nine names of the Creator) which means "nearest Friend;" Farrad (Fard) which means "to separate oneself from the world and worldly things to study the laws of religion and adhere to the commandments; Muhammad "one who is praiseworthy" and Al Ali (one of the Nine-Nine Names of Allah the Creator) which means "the exalted" rendering Abdul Wali Farrad Muhammad Ali a servant of the Exalted and the Nearest Friend of Allah the Creator and Most High.

Dr. Fard was arrested for bootlegging and panhandling (the illegal sell of property) by the authorities who opposed his activities among the Bilalians in Newark, New Jersey. When Fard was released he went to Detroit, and assumed a merchant's occupation. He went door to door peddling silk and introducing the Bilalian (African American) to his/her past. "He came first to our houses selling raincoats, and then afterwards silk. In this way he could get into the peoples' houses, for every woman was eager to see the nice things the peddler had for sale. He told us that the Silks he carried were the same kind that our people used in their home Country and that he had come from there. So we all asked him to tell us about our own country..." (From the Book "Black Nationalism" by E. U. Essien Udom)

While Abdul Wali Farrad Muhammad Ali was in Detroit, it is believed by many that he temporally assumed leadership of Drew Ali's Moorish Science Temple. By 1930 a permanent split occurred in the movement, with one faction following Fard who is believed to have started his first temple in Detroit in 1930. The symbolic date of "July 4, 1930" is often used. Master Fard Muhammed began by establishing Study Groups in the homes of his early converts. Mr. E. D. Beynon in his booklet entitled Master Fard Muhammad "Detroit History" states:

"The former peddler now assumed the role of prophet. During the early period of his ministry, he used the Bible as his textbook, since it was the only religious book with which the majority of his hearers were familiar... The report of the prophet's message spread through the Black community. Many of those who heard him invited their friends and relatives to come to the meetings, appealing either to their curiosity or to deeper interests. The attendance at the house meetings increased so much that the prophet was compelled to divide his hearers into several groups, the members of each of which were permitted to hear his message only at the time assigned to their group. The inconvenience was so obvious that the prophet's followers readily contributed money sufficient to hire a hall which was fitted as the temple."

Because of the persecution, and false propaganda by the authorities of the time; W. F. Muhammad had to take his mission under ground, and disguise it in satire and mythology. Consequently he used many names: Wali Fard, Professor Ford, Fard Muhammad, F. Mohammed Ali, W. D. Fard and the Mahdi. This was done to confuse the authorities who were out to deport him. In 1930 and 1934, Fard had recruited approximately 8,000 (eight thousand) followers from the Negroes (Bilalians) of Detroit, and had established with the temple #1 a University of Islaam for the youth.

In the book "Essays on the Life and Teachings of Master W. Fard Muhammad," by Hakim Shabazz, he writes the following concerning W. F. Muhammad: "Master Fard Muhammad was a dynamic teacher. He was a symbol of the perfect student in that he was never seen without a book. He related to Elijah that he "would walk 40 miles just) to teach one." Fard's marathon teaching sessions ran night after night until dawn. During these sessions Elijah was being prepared for his mission..... Fard's teachings eventually became known as the supreme wisdom or a set of allegorical mathematical puzzles designed to harness the creative genius of the black mind. E. D. Beynon in his above mentioned book states the following concerning this: "The prophet's message was characterized by his ability to utilize to the fullest measure the environment of his followers, Their physical and economic difficulties alike, were used to illustrate the new teachings.”  Similarly he was not afraid to use the works of others to verify, and support his work.

He encouraged his followers to listen to, and read the writings of Judge Rutherford (leader and founder of the Jehovah Witness movement), and other fundamentalist preachers. He encourages his followers to read an assortment of books and miscellaneous works on symbolism, freemasonry, etc. He also took from Sharif Abdul Ali (Noble Drew Ali), Marcus Garvey, and Booker T. Washington. Farrad (Fard) would explain the meaning and significance of the information at his weekly temple meetings. When Master Farrad finally introduced the Qur'an to his followers, he introduced it as the most authoritative of all the books. Farrad taught from an Arabic Qur'an, he would translate, and give tafseer (explanation) to his followers.

W. D. Fard gave Elijah Muhammad a special syllabus of 104 books. Some of the books on the syllabus were: "The Story of Mankind" (1921) by Hendrik Van Loon, "Anacalypsis" (1844) by G. Higgens, "Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man” (1914) by A. Churchwald, "Pre-Adamites" (1886) by A. Winchell, "Egypt the Light of the World" by G. Massey and "Mahomet and His Successors" by W. Irving. Each book was given to Elijah to explain or guide him in a certain phase of his impending mission. For example the book "The Story of Mankind" was given to Elijah because of its sketch of the Prophet Muhammad and Moses. The sketches reveal the mission of Elijah Muhammad. The illustration of Moses in the book fits The Honorable Elijah Muhammad's idea of Moses (PBUH) as a civilizer.

 Speaking on the above and also speaking on the intention of Master Fard Muhammad and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad to guide the Nation of Islaam (Temple People) to pure Islaam Minister Louis Farrakhan says in an address given on July 6, 1997 at an International Islamic Conference held in Chicago, IL: "Never in my wildest imaginations could I have dreamed that by becoming a student of Islam under the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, who taught me of the Qur'an and showed me the glorious life of the Prophet Muhammad Ibn Abdullah, Peace Be Upon Him, who laid the foundation upon which we stand and only his Sunnah, only his way, only his practice will lead us to success in establishing Islam in America and reviving the spirit of Islam in Muslims throughout the world.

Master Fard Muhammad gave the Hon. Elijah Muhammad 104 books to study. And he (the Hon. Elijah Muhammad) said the best book that he was given was the Holy Quran. When he was given the Qur'an, he was given it in Arabic. And he said, but I can not read Arabic. So Master Fard Muhammad gave him a Qur'an with English and Arabic, and said when you learn to read Arabic, I will give you an Arabic Qur'an.....out of those 104 books, every one of those books contained some aspect of the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Why did Master Fard Muhammad want the Hon. Elijah Muhammad to know details and aspects of the life and work of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)? It was because, it is only through studying the life of Prophet Muhammad and how he established Islam in Arabia and how it spread from Arabia to the ends of the earth, would he be able to establish Islam in America where they have never wanted Islam to be established."

Minister Farrakhan also states in the December 1, 1998 edition of the Final Call: "Before He (Elijah Muhammad) departed from among us, He said these words to me, I will not rest until this Book, Qur'an, becomes the law under which all of our people live. Those of you who are familiar with him know that He never went to any engagement with any book other than the Holy Qur'an. Whenever He was in a debate with scholars of Christianity or Islam He took no book with Him other than the Holy Qur'an, and of the 104 books His Teacher, Master Fard Muhammed gave Him to study He said, "The Best of these books was the Holy Qur'an.”

Abdul Wali Farrad Muhammad Ali fancied himself as being Al Mahdi (The Guide) or The Reformer in 1934. W. F. Muhammad was not the Mahdi or The Reformer. But, he was used as a vessel by Allah to plant the seed of Al Islaam in the mind of Al Hajj Abdul Karim Ilyas Muhammed (The Honorable Elijah Muhammed) and his wife Sister Clara Muhammad who gave birth to the Reformer.
In 1934 a direct dispute occurred between two of Farrad's top followers; Elijah Muhammad who eventually succeeded Farrad and Abdullah Muhammad. The young Elijah had become a member of Farad’s Temple of Islaam in the early 30's, after being introduced to the teachings by his wife Clara Evans Muhammad. She had heard Dr. Fard Muhammad speak previously, and had surmised that what he was saying was relevant, and that her husband needed to hear him also. She eventually pervaded Elijah to attend a service, and the rest is history. The dispute between Elijah Muhammad and Abdul Muhammad led to the creation of a temple in Chicago. On the run for his life, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad started temple #2 in Chicago.

Al Imaam Warithuddin Muhammad (W. D. Mohammed), The Muslim American Spokesman, son and successor to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad states the following, concerning Master Fard Muhammad's goal and mission. "The scheme of gradualism established by W. F. Muhammed was designed to bring the Nation of Islam into the main stream with the Muslims all over the World. Dr. Farrad belonged to a group of people who schemed to put Islam into non-Muslim societies. They would attract or bait people with superficial things, such as Black Supremacy etc. Dr. Farrad felt that once the people became more educated, in time they would see the Our'an was the superior instrument.

Wali Farrad said that the Our'an would really free us. He said: "Brother, once you learn this book, this book will really free you." He also said: "Once you learn to read this book in it's Original language -- the Arabic Language, "Brother, you will be able to wake them by the thousands.”

They came here with a scheme to get Islam in America and to get the Qur'an established and then depart leaving the Holy Qur'an to answer the contradictions and for their makeshift communities to study and gradually by their own intelligence see that the Holy Qur'an is home and the end plotted by the Schemers.” (The above statements are excerpts from a lecture by AI Imaam Warithuddin Muhammad, given in Chicago, IL, USA on March 23, 1978.) 

W. F. Muhammad brought a unique exegesis of the Bible & Islam weighted in mathematics that no one else had ever brought (Isaiah 40:12).  He defied death escaping the pursuit of His would-be-captors. In 1958, 24 years after his ‘mysterious departure’ the FBI notified its head, J Edgar Hoover that it had exhausted all resources and was abandoning all efforts to find him. He came in the garb of a novice making himself of little reputation and left the United States of America as ‘Wali’ meaning a friend.


W. F. Muhammad told the Honorable Elijah Muhammad that he was born on "February 26, 1877" in Mecca, Saudi Arabia of mixed parentage. He was born of mixed parentage so that he would be able to move freely among blacks and whites according to the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. His fathers' name was Alphonso and his mother's name was Baby Gee. His father is said to have been a full-blooded Blackman and his mother a Caucasian. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad used to stress that his (W. D. Farrad's) mother was pure, in that she was not raised among her people.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad in "Theology of Time” volume 1, Pg. 155-156 states concerning W. D. Fard: "So he said to me that he was taken by his father after he was born and his father went looking for very great books that contained great words of wisdom spoken by great kings and all great people. He said he (his father) would get a word from one and a word or two from that one, (which was put away as a secret) and he would take it (the word) and bring it to him. He paid people high prices of such word on the history of such and such a man.”

In a July 20, 1957 "Pittsburgh Courier” article, he states: "The Mahdi (Master Fard Muhammad) is a world traveler. He told me that he had traveled the world over and that he had visited North America for 20 years before making himself known to us, his people, whom he came for. He visited the Isle of Alaska, the North Pole, India, Pakistan, all of the Near East and Africa. He had studied the wild life in the jungles of Africa and learned the language of the birds. He could speak 16 languages and write 10 of them. He could recite the histories of the world as far back as 150,000 years and knew the beginning and end of all things."

The above information from The Honorable Elijah Muhammad (HWON), regarding Farrad is given to show the emphasis he placed on the acquisition of knowledge. Knowledge was the first priority of Master Farrad, especially Self Knowledge. In the theosophical teachings of Dr. Farrad (Fard) everything had a dual meaning; an apparent (obvious) meaning and a secret (hidden) meaning known only to the adept. Farrad also steeped his teachings in satire. As stated previously Dr., Farrad had to come in the guise of a mystic, he had to come using signs and symbols.

Regarding the true identify of Master Fard Muhammad, Imaam Warithuddin Muhammad In his book "Lectures of Emam (Imaam) Muhammad” states the following on page iv: "Master Fard Muhammad was a "shrewd" planner. He had observed the situation here in America and he knew the conditions that kept us down as a people. He, himself was a Muslim who believed in the scripture called the Holy Quran. Master Fard let us know that by having his picture taken with the Holy Quran in his hands. In fact, the only picture that we have of him is a picture of him holding the Holy Quran in his hand, in a very pious, sincere and reverent manner."

In the above mentioned book by the Mujaddid Imaam Warithuddin Muhammad, he also mentions how Fard Muhammad had also observed the Orthodox or Sunni Muslims in their attempts to establish a foothold for Islaam in America and he realized that a different strategy was needed. The most successful leader among the so-called orthodox Muslims during this time was Shaik Imaam Daud Ahmed Al Faisal, of the State Street Masjid in Brooklyn, NY. We will talk more about him later on in this thesis. Master Fard Muhammad was able to design his program and teachings in a way as to avoid the pitfalls of the earlier teachers of Islaam. "Master Fard Muhammad discovered that what was abreast in the dead Bilalian community was material--we were totally ignorant to material wealth. So he began to study scripture, and he designed his plan step by step after the plan of Almighty God."

In The Mujaddid’s address at the 1993 Muslim American Community Convention, he further elaborated on the identity of one W. Fard Muhammad. At the convention Imaam Muhammad let the world know that Imaam Muhammad Abdullah of Heywood, California was indeed W. D. Fard. (See transcript of speeches given by Imaam Muhammad on "September 5, 1993" and April 7, 1996 or purchase tapes from W. D. M. Publishing Company in Chicago, IL. For further information)

Notes on W.F. Muhammad

"The scheme of gradualism established by W.F. Muhammad was designed to bring the N.O.I. into the mainstream with the Muslims all over the World. It was done in a secret way as a thief in the night, under the cover of darkness (Black Supremacy), not in a way to let the outside know. Others tried to bring Al-Islam to the Bilalian people in America and they failed, and were persecuted and drowned under floods of false propaganda.

This is a fact on record. This is History. They came here to try to teach AI Islam and were not wanted and were reminded of the privileges to reside in the US. Others came with schemes, tricks, to get Islam in and get the Our'an established and depart leaving the Holy Our'an to answer the contradictions and for their makeshift communities to study and gradually by their own intelligence realize that the Holy Our'an is home, the end plotted with the makeshift plan.

Marcus Garvey had a scheme. He did not tell his people that he had been influenced by Al-Islam, but he had a scheme. (See chapter on Garvey) It's a matter of record that he met with a Muslim (Duse Muhammad Ali) and discussed the religion and then decided that he was going to set up the Organization, the U.N.I.A. There was Noble Drew Ali also who set up the Moorish America movement. W. F. Muhammad came immediately, on the heels of these two Bilalians.

Dr. Fard Muhammad belonged to a group of people who schemed to put Islam into non- Muslim societies. They would attract or bait people with superficial things; Black Supremacy, etc. Dr. W.F. Muhammad felt that once the people became more educated, in time they would see that the Qur'an was the superior instrument.”
Wali Farrad Muhammad said that the Our'an would really free us (the Bilalians). He said; "Brother, once you learn this book, this book will really free you.”

"Once you learn to read this book in its Original language -- the Arabic Language. Brother, you will be able to Wake them up by the thousands." (Information taken from a "March 23, 1978" lecture at Masjid Honorable Elijah Muhammed in Chicago, USA, by Imaam Warith Deen Muhammad, Muslim American Spokesman.)

The Mathematical Theology of W. D. Farad Muhammad Ali

After learning Mathematics, which is Islam and Islam, is Mathematics, its stands true, you can always prove it at no limit of time. Then you must learn to use it and secure some benefit while you are living, that is luxury, money, good home, friendship, in all walks of life. Sit yourself in Heaven at once! That is the greatest desire of your Brother and teachers........"
Problem No.13 (partial quotation), The Problem Book.

One of the Prophets, in early days, said: ‘The Lost Found Nation of Islam, numbering one hundred forty-four thousand, will be the Stars, and will return to their original Land,’ and the Balance, he said, ‘are poison and rusty, and will not take the Knowledge of their own.’ But, the Messenger and his Laborers do not agree with the old Prophet, in this modern time. He thinks that he will remove all poison and rust from every one of the seventeen million. At the same time he desires for every one of you Students to help solve this Problem, since you have learned the time, accomplishment, and old Prophet’s number, one hundred forty-four thousand."
“The Problem Book.”

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What are the UFO's the Pentagon is Admitting to then? Rhetorical